Well, it's the start of a new year, and we all know what that means- resolutions!
In the past, I have made many resolutions re: health and fitness that I didn't keep after just a few weeks. I'm sure we've all been there, right?
This year, I have made a few resolutions.
1. Fix my diet.
I intend to follow the paleo diet this year. For those who are not familiar, the paleo diet is when you eliminate all grains, gluten, dairy, added sugar, legumes, starchy vegetables, and corn from the things you eat. Also, fresh, grass fed, and wild caught meat is encouraged. This is not difficult at all once you find the right recipes. There is a huge world of food out there, and eating whole foods that are good for you really make a difference!
One of the great things about the paleo diet is no calorie counting! You can eat as much as you want, until you are full. Just like the cavemen did.
My boyfriend will be joining me in this resolution, and I will be sharing recipes, pictures, tips, and updates as the year goes on!
Another resolution I made this year is-
2. Practice more.
I have gotten quite complacent in my practicing in 2013, and since I am graduating from college soon, I need to get back on track and work harder and try to improve more on the cello. I am going to be very involved in the new music community in 2014, so keep an eye out for updates regarding performances and other musical things!
My other musical resolution is a more exciting one. I am going to-
3. Learn how to play the trumpet and clarinet.
I am a music teacher, and I think it is extremely beneficial to know at least the basics of the different musical instrument groups to better help your own teaching on your instrument. You can take some tips from one instrument and abstractly use it to help a student with something on your instrument! I'll be taking lessons from two of my friends, which is going to be fun. (Payment in alcohol is also pretty convenient!). This is something else I will talk about on this blog this upcoming year! Now to buy the instruments.....
Well, that's basically it! Welcome to my blog, expect some awesome food pictures and recipes, and ramblings about the life of a poor college-aged cellist trying to get by happy and healthy!
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